Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Best solution for your skin and hair care :)

Hye all :)

Coway telah memperkenalkan satu produk baru yang bernama Spa Water Softener.

Yes ladies and gents :) As the name per say, it will soften your water! Kenapa air lembut ni penting?

Tahukah anda? Kulit berupaya untuk menyerap air 3 kali ganda jumlahnya dari yg kita minum. Jadi, bila kita gunakan untreated water for bathing, it will affect our skins. Hasilnya? Kulit kering, keguguran rambut, luka lambat sembuh, rashes, and lots more skin related diseases.

"Kenapa pulak? Air bukan da bersih ke weh? Jabatan Bekalan Air bukan da treat ke air tu?"

Betul tu. Memang JBA di kawasan anda bersih dan merawat air. Proses rawatan mampu untuk membunuh segala jenis bakteria dan beberapa pencemaran air. Tapi.. Bukan semua pencemaran air yang dirawat.

Untuk memastikan air tidak di jangkiti atau ada kuman yang membiak, syarikat bekalan air menambah KLORIN dalam air tuh. Tapi, masalah lain pula timbul..

KLORIN adalah merbahaya pada manusia pada jangka masa panjang.

KLORIN tidak akan hilang dengan MEMASAK AIR.

KLORIN yang berlebihan menyebabkan kesukaran pada kulit.


Perasan tak kalau kita mandi kolam renang awam, lepas mandi rasa kulit kita macam mana?

Kering, lesu dan tak bermaya kan? Tu tanda2 kesan klorin pada kulit. Thats why it is encouraged after bathing in the pool, take a shower again with less chlorinated water :p hehe..

Tapi kan, even klu kita mandi pakai air biasa without sabun, kita still rasa simtom2 di atas. Kenapa yer? Sebab air tu sendiri pon ada klorin. Kena pakai sabun baru hilang.

And for some people, with SENSITIVE SKIN, they cant even take a bath with chlorinated water.



Read out this two awesome blog. Will update this post later :)

My mama also had purchased this and will be installed in two days time. Coz i juz submitted the form :p

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Hectic Month

Hye all :)

Im so sorry that I haven't had the time to update this blog as this is one hectic month ever!!
Will update soon. Stay tune :)

Will reveal myths about reverse osmosis water. People claimed that it is not healthy. But World Health Organization (WHO) and Water Quality Association think otherwise :)

If you looking for an information, always see WHERE ARE THE SOURCES! It is REALLY important especially during this information ages where tons of information being fed to the net every single second. Some are true, some are not :)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Beloved cousin passed away

Today is a sad day for my family. As a cousin of mine died at quite young age of 41. Her death is according to the doctor due to heart complication. It was a shock really as another cousin of mine had his daughter weding just yesterday.

According to relatives, she was healthy. Suddenly, she complained about having a headache and having blurred vision and vomiting. She was rushed to seremban gh but according to the doctor, she died while on the way to the hospital.

The doctor tried to recucitate her, however Allah loves her more. She left one loving husband and 6 children. The oldest is taking SPM this year while the youngest is just only 3 years old.

It's really a sad day 4 us. Im hoping and praying that she is placed among those who are loved by Allah. And her afterlife journey will be made easy by Allah. May Allah makes things easy for her family.

Al-Fatihah to Allahyarham Silawati Binti Suwardi. 26/09/1970 to 25/07/2011

1st Customer

Alhamdulillah, after 2 days of trying to share with the people about the benefits of our product, i finally get 1 customer renting petit water filter.

The customer is a sweet and loving couples :) in love even though it has been more than 30 years together. True love never die eh?

According to her, they installed two way filtration system at their house where the maintainence is totally done by them. You know, the round bottled thingy with a white cylindrical cloth act as filter? What they did is, they will wash it once a week.

It's a problem act, as we wont know for sure does by washing the filter will clean it? Yes, it would looked white on the outside, on the surface. But how about inside the filter itself? Where 4 sure we wont be able to clean it thoroughly as we cant see em.

We showed them that by renting our product, they doesn't even need to think about changing or cleaning the filter as it is done totally free by our company! Yes ladies and gentlemen, free service, free waranty, free filters! No headache with coway. Literally :)

If God's willing, i will try to ask from them to give me the filter and i wanted to try and cut em open. Jus wanted to know if it's truly cleaned or not.

Thanx zul for helping me in explaining to the customer :)


We bring you wellness :)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

blogger 4 android test

I recently n accidently bought new apps at rm 14:( huhu.. bahaya guna kredit card :D so now, im testing what this apps can do in updating my blog.

Pict test:

Vid test: